Working with Prophecy Stones

How to Use Prophecy Stones

Prophecy stones are a unique and fascinating stone. This rare crystal can only be found in a few very remote locations, interestingly enough, in the same areas where the equally intriguing Libian Desert Glass or Libian Gold Tektite is found. They can be found in the Sahara deserts of Botswana, and the White deserts of Egypt, but are most commonly found in one particular region of the Lybian desert. Similar stones are found in New Zealand, however they are believed to have a different mineral structure, as well as differing aesthetics, and vibrational properties. The meaning of their name is derived from the way they work vibrationally when used in meditation, as they are known to aid in visions of a prophetic nature. Named by the man who discovered them, after he experienced visions of the future while working with it in meditation that turned out to be true. No two prophecy stones are the same, but their overall form seems to be quite similar with a bumpy, uneven appearance with a color and outer texture similar to that of a meteorite. Prophecy stones are a pseudomorph of limonite, hematite after marcasite or pyrite.. The crystal structure remains from the marcasite/pyrite is still present, but the composition has morphed into something different entirely.

Prophetic Qualities

Prophecy stone can be an intense specimen to work with at first due to their high vibrations. Connected strongly with the Third eye, crown, and root chakras, the energy can be a little all over the place at first. The best way to work with this stone is through meditation, this action can lead to pineal gland or third eye stimulation, which is related to the development of all forms of psychic gifts. Among these gifts is the ability to produce precognitive visions, and the development of clairaudience, or psychic hearing, which allows one to communicate with beings in the spirit realm, including but not limited to the spirit guides. Prophetic vision can be an incredible asset to one’s life, but it’s important to realize that these dont always start immediately when working with this powerful mineral. It can take time for your body, mind and spirit to develop a relationship with the stone. This process can take days, weeks, or months, depending on the person using it, and how often it’s being used. The initial experiences are often fragmented, and one may not be sure exactly of the time frame they are witnessing, but as one is able to develop a relationship with the stone, through continued use and practice,things can become more definite. Those who seek guidance from higher realms regarding the future can benefit greatly from this persistence, as these specimens can be used to investigate diverging paths at choice points, allowing them to explore the probable future of multiple choices before committing to any one path. Due to their connection with the earth element, these are also particularly good for assisting one in receiving guidance about practical choices that need to be made.



Prophecy stone is potentially the most powerful of all minerals for grounding light energy in the physical body. Holding one during meditation will cause an incredible amount of energy to come in through the crown chakra, filling the entire body, and travelling all the way down to the feet of the user. After some time, the energy can move even deeper, stimulating chakras below the body and anchoring one to the earth itself. This is a common experience with sensitive people that work with this stone, and almost all of those who work with it are amazed by the powerful vibrations that move through them while working with these unique crystals. 

The way that prophecy stone works is very unique, pulling high frequency energies down into the body from above, echoing the teachings of the spiritual master Sri Aurobindo. The teachings of Aurobindo stated that one should not seek to transcend the earth and move up into nirvana. He instructed his followers to draw the higher energies down into the body, for the transfiguration of human beings into their destined form. He called this philosophy “the superman”. His unique approach did not aim to arouse the kundalini from the base chakra, but rather to bring the “supramental force” down throught the crown chakra and into the physical self. This seems to be exactly what prophecy stone achieves. This stone is the embodiment of balance, harmoniously bringing the earth and the sky together, the masculine and feminine, the dark and the light. For those who are too aggressive, this stone can have an incredible calming effect. For those who are too timid or passive, it can bring the sense of strength and empowerment required to identify their truth, and use their voice to stand up for  themselves. It can bring repressed emotions to the surface to be observed and faced, checking the ego in the process. Carrying it can protect you from negativity and those that may attack with their words, removing any negative energy and replacing it with ones of a positive, productive nature. This stone represents the basic instincts of safety and survival. When faced with a crisis or traumatic event, prophecy stone will help ground and center, granting the ability to work through it, step by step, and achieve the best possible outcome. 


Akashic Records 

Prophecy stone is an incredible ally for those on shamanic journeys, taking one extremely deep in their meditations, enabling them in traveling more easily to other parts of higher realms. Their energy has been known to assist one in discovering the akashic record, which can sometimes be found by those who are looking to find out more about their previous lives. Akasha is the Sanskrit word for astral light, or the ether element in easter belief systems. One of the earliest mentions of these records in modern times was made by Helena Blavatsky, who founded the theosophical movement late in the 19th century. She was taught by a group of Tibeten monks, or “mahatmas” that the fifth element of space is considered the fundamental fabric of reality from which all other elements emerge. This is the source of all material reality, and closely tied with the eastern idea of karma.  Blavatsky referred to them as “masters of the ancient wisdom” and said that they taught her clairvoyance, psychic abilities, and astral projection. She used these tools to channel information from the akashic records and built herself a large following of theosophists, including some famous ones, including Gandhi himself. The akashic record is a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future. This applies to all entities and life forms, not just humans. They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane. It is believed that all thoughts, words, intent, and ideas generate their own unique “frequency or vibration” which is stored in the akashic records. It is also said that the akasha contains templates for human ideals, such as harmony and equanimity. One could imagine prophecy stones ability to grant access to a resource such as this being a life changing process. The akashic records are a vast trove of information containing incredible wisdom and insight. If one is on a path to discover who they are, what they are, how they got here, or what they are meant to accomplish in this life, working with this stone to access the records could be the most direct route to those answers.


Pairing with Stones and Crystals